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Ralakwatsa: What it means and Who we are? :)

Thank you for choosing Ralakwatsa! Our name comes from the Bicolano term "Ralakwatsa," which means to go out and have fun in a group. We chose this name because we strongly believe that life is meant to be enjoyed with others and we are passionate about creating memorable experiences.

It is similar to the colloquial Filipino term "lakwatsa," which means going out, but Ralakwatsa specifically refers to two or more people having fun together.

Ralakwatsa offers travel and tour experiences focused on exploring the beauty of Bicolandia. 

We showcase everything that Bicol has to offer, from its breathtaking landscpes to its rich culture and heritage. We offer tours that include trying out the unique and delectable culinary offerings of the region, as well as discovering the hidden gems and local treasures that make Bicolano culture so special.

From hiking to majestic waterfalls to relaxing on pristine beaches, we offer a wide range of activities that cater to different interests and preferences.

We are passionate about promoting the beauty and diversity of Bicolandia, and we are committed to doing so in a responsible and sustainable way. We work closely with local communities and partners to ensure that our tours have a positive impact on the environment and the people who call Bicol their home.

So if you're looking to discover the wonders of Bicol, come join us at Ralakwatsa! We look forward to taking you on an unforgettable journey through this beautiful region.Contact us now to book your travel and tour package!  Alternatively, you may contact us via mobile 0908.7171300.